It is the DNA that distinguishes our collaborators for their respectful and honest behavior, it is the culture that defines us.
For CAFFENIO, ethics and human values are extremely important, they are the pillars that support and allow the development of any activity or project. A culture based on ethical values and principles fosters an organizational culture that benefits everyone.
This is reflected in the degree of satisfaction of the collaborators in their job and in the operational efficiency of the company. For this we have our decalogue of ethics, with which we interact and manage ourselves in CAFFENIO, which is governed by 10 values that we practice every day.
INTEGRITY:Consistency between what I say and what I do.
HUMAN RIGHTS: I respect the freedom of people and the guarantee of equitable treatment.
COMMITMENT: Give my all to achieve the goals agreed by our team.
TRANSPARENCY: Communicate clearly and confidently the actions we do.
QUALITY:Exceed expectations and seek efficiency in what is done.
ENVIRONMENT: Take care of natural resources to preserve the conditions that will allow the life of future generations.
COMMUNICATION: Share information clearly. Listen to verify their understanding and acceptance.
SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY: Evaluate the impacts of our operation in the community.
SERVICE: Provide help spontaneously.
FAIR COMPETITION: Respect and make ourselves respected by our suppliers and competitors.
To ensure the good ethical performance of the company’s internal and external collaborators, the Comprehensive Ethics System was implemented, which establishes the behavior expected from its collaborators, suppliers and other relationship groups, as well as from the company itself.
A whistleblowing channel, “Anonymous Tips”, was implemented to report abnormal situations, to have the confidence and peace of mind that an external and impartial unit is the one that deals with the reported cases.
We are one of the 72 Mexican companies that have a complaint system operated by third parties, 42 of 45 complaints received in 2017 were resolved. Anonymous complaints channel: 800 2145580 or you can go to
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